Too Far

Mrs S arrived in from her night shift, breakfast together and then as Mrs S headed off to bed Paddy and I set off on one of our ‘long’ walks.
When we left the weather was ok, not hot, a gentle breeze, ideal for our walk. As we approached the probable midway point it had become warmer, the breeze had dropped away and it looked as though it was to get warmer. As much as we could we kept to the shade and tried to keep grassy areas underfoot. We stopped for water wherever we could and eventually got home after three hours and six miles.
Paddy had his cooling collar put on, all the water he needed and the curtains drawn to give him some shade. He looks good, no apparent ill effects.

Mrs S and I wandered down town, my Blip of yesterday proving prophetic, of the three things we wanted none were available so we settled for coffee and cake before heading home.

Salad for dinner, dog ice cream for Paddy, it’s been a good day.

Todays photo, colourful benches on our walk.

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