Forget me not

About a month ago (before Shuna for sure), I found Forgetme Nots growing in the waste land (our development plot) at the back of the unit. 

I pulled several up by the roots and put them in water to root. 

At the end of two weeks, I had very happy plants with new roots and new flowers starting to spout. 

I was last out of the office one night, and it was the night I decided to take it home to repot.   Yes, I took it out the water, left it on my desk and went home. 

I dropped it back in the water the next morning and did exactly the same thing at the weekend. 

Then I went on Holiday, and then on my return, I remembered 

I mentioned it to SJ, and she said she had seen the dead weed sitting on my desk and threw iit out.    It would have been very dead by that time.      But!  She did say, I have them in my garden, I will being some in.  

And this morning  she turned up indeedy with a mass of plants, with soil, in a plastic bag.  I looked at it and said, "yes, very pretty but not ForgetmeNot".   

We did the Plant app and it turned out to be Hairy Willowherb  a prolific weed.     She was most upset.  Especially so that she would have to tell her neighbour that, "no, her colleague did not collect this particular type of weed".  

After her shift she left, and did she not turn up two minutes later with another plant, in another bag.  "I found it this time".  

"Where?" I asked.

"I was just driving away, and I spotted them at the side of the road down there, so I just jumped out and got it for you". 

A quick scan advised it was a Fringed Willowherb.  Also a weed. 

I let her know that Forgetmenot flowers we not in season any more, and as much as I appreicated her efforts,  we should maybe wait til next April for another attempt. 

But I did so admire her determination

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