
By Flossmo

Llyn Brenig

Back blip for yesterday:

It turned out to be a much busier day that planned - that was because it wasn’t planned! 

I started the day very undecided what to do given that the forecast wasn’t great - was it an indoor or an outdoor day? In the end I decided to be brave and drive over to the Llyn Brenig reservoir, near Cerrigydrudion. In the event the weather was reasonably kind - it was quite windy with a bit of a chill but it remained dry and sunny at times. I walked the length of the dam and managed to collect a quantity of fleece from the thistles growing lakeside in the process. I wondered if the defibrillator on the side of the lake was there in case the view became too much, or just the weather.

Back at the visitor’s Centre I had a cup of tea and a panini sitting on the terrace overlooking the lake. The terrace was sheltered from the wind and it was really warm when the sun came out. 

I had a look at the map and decided that since it wasn’t all that far to the Ruthin Craft Centre I would make my way there to see the latest exhibition. There is always something to interest on and at the moment there is an exhibition called Natural (Re)Sources which includes a variety of artworks - textile, wood and pottery - with their origins in the natural environment. See extras for a couple of the textile exhibits. 

After Ruthin I called in to see my cousin and her husband. I delivered the rose bush that I had been keeping in my garden since their Golden Wedding Anniversary last November which we had had to miss when Mr Flossmo fell ill. I only meant to pop in but I was there until after 6 o’clock. I set off for my apartment but on passing the cemetery I decided to check on my parents’ grave. New flowers are definitely needed. After that I drove back to Oswestry and was pleased to flop on the sofa. This holiday business is quite tiring!

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