Wool away....

All go today again.
The lorry arrived in at 7.30 am to collect the wool sheets. Had him loaded and away by 8.30 am. Only 40 sheets this year compared to the usual 65. Maybe selling 600 ewes in May had something to do with it !
It is going to the wool mill at Galashiels. They are meant to be shutting at the end of the month and moving to a new depot at Selkirk,but according to the lorry driver they aren't ready yet,so the wool will be weighed at Gala,then hauled to Bradford to be graded there !
Next job of the day was to get a team and go up to the hill next door to bring the first calved cows and their calves down to wean them. Same as yesterday's lot,cows in one shed, calves in another.
Then back home to get the baler and baled the endrigs of the field I cut last night .
Left wee brother to wrap them while I went and cut another field here. A neighbour must be on the same job as his contractor was hauling big loads of bales along past us all day.
Checked the diesel tank after last week's silage team had all filled up. They've used 3000 litres in a day. At yesterday's price of 68.5p/litre that's £2K worth. Ouch.....

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