
I am fairly sure I have seen Romeo and Juliet as a ballet, but if I am right it would have been in 1996. My memory can be excused, this time. 

It was not my choice to go to see it. I was in St Petersburg for work, and my host organisation just arranged it. In theory I could have had a "diplomatic cold" but since I was there to make friends and influence people...

In fact it was marvellous. 

The Blipped poster is in the tunnel at the railway station, and I was on my way for lunch at the church cafe. 

My body has been in remarkably good condition (fair wear and tear excepted) after yesterday's mishap. I was lucky, and am grateful. 

This afternoon I threw caution to the wind and cut the grass. I did not electrocute myself. I did not get a foot under the blade. 

Fingers crossed for tomorrow, please. 

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