Rainy Day in Oregon

By jerispics

Gray Jay

What a treat for me! I have not seen these here before. I first saw this bird at Crater Lake in S. Central Oregon in the early 70's. I didn't know they were in our area. Four of them at the feeder this a.m. as we were getting ready to leave for the weekend. I hope they come back. Also known as 'Camp Robbers'. They will come into camps and steal food, glueing it into little balls with their saliva, and hiding it away for later use. Wish I had had more time to photograph this interesting bird. I had them eating out of my hand at Crater Lake. Hopefully I'll get another chance.

Took the family to Wildlife Safari in Winston, Oregon on our way to MP. Gracie loved it. Took some pics there, but the sun was directly over head and I didn't like the harshness of the photos.

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