Mr. HCB has gone off to cricket at Cheltenham today - I was determined he would go and not think he had to stay at home with me - I told him that there were plenty of people around if I needed anything and in any event, our lovely friend, Lillieth was coming for a coffee catch-up chat.  With that in mind, off he went, but I daresay there was some sadness, because it is his first Cheltenham Festival without his cricket buddy, Keith, who you will remember, died earlier in the year.

When Lillieth arrived she brought with her some of the lovely cake she makes - no doubt with the fruit soaked in Jamaican Rum - but I have promised not to open it until Mr. HCB gets home this evening.  She also brought a jar of her homemade coleslaw, but I couldn’t resist opening the jar and had some on my wrap at lunchtime.  It was delicious, as always.  We spent the next two hours chatting and it was good - especially as we haven't seen one another for a while.

The extra photo shows a box of Lindt chocolates from our next door neighbour, Lynn’s daughter, Racheal and her husband, Paul, encouraging me to “Keep Smiling” - well I certainly will be doing that as I have a box of chocolates and I am home alone!  

I must confess that I will always think of Mr. T when I eat a Lindt chocolate, so I thought of him today and if he’s lucky, and I don’t eat the boxful, I will think of him tomorrow and the next day!

The “blind” man is here fitting a new kitchen blind and as I was dipping my hand into the box, he came in to ask a question, so it seemed rude not to ask if he would like a chocolate.  His first comment was, “I’d better not, I’m watching my weight” but then he turned round and put his hand in the box and said “Oh, go on then!”  I quickly said that I was closing the box as I wanted to save some for Mr. HCB!  Not strictly true, but I didn’t want him to snaffle the whole boxful.  Now I know how Mr. T used to feel when I visited!!!  ;-) 

So thank you Lillieth, Racheal and Paul - you have made my day.

“There’s nothing better than a friend,
     unless it’s a friend with chocolate,
          and cake and coleslaw - 
               and of course a lovely card!”

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