
The past few weeks presented a few worrying things to me.
Most have been resolved today finally.
I don’t seem to handle stress as well as I used to.

I had to sell my car as it was going to potentially need expensive repairs, managed to get rid of it.

Needed a new one and my father kindly came up with a solution, long story but I’ve bought his one off him( he has another one to use), it was in the North Island though so it took a bit of organising to get it down here, it arrived today.

Had a health scare, results now back and no life threatening conditions but I do need to follow up with GP on a couple of things.(Got very stressed waiting for the results )
Can’t get a GP appointment for three weeks!

And sadly we had a shooting incident here in New Zealand this morning. Something that we don’t experience often and when we do it is felt nationwide.
Sadly two innocent people have lost their lives,.

Pic of new car.

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