Evening clouds

I didn't get out for the intended walk today, so after lunch I took some quick photos of Millie lounging in the middle of the deck, perfectly relaxed, and decided that would have to do for today. It's unusual for our little cat to lie somewhere so exposed: I hoped she would not look too tempting to any circling buzzards. It was an overcast day, with occasional rain during the morning and drab, featureless sky, but by teatime the sky had cleared, and when I went up to the balcony to water the tomatoes, the other side of the valley was golden with low sun. A little later, just before our rather late dinner, through the dining room window I saw a bank of low, slatey grey cloud with glimpses of peachy pink brightly illuminated behind it. I wondered if I could blip yet another view of the valley instead of the standby cat photo. A couple of hours after that, I discovered that, fortuitously, the theme for Wide Wednesday is sky; Millie will have plenty more opportunities.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

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