Underpass art

We needed a new showerhead and had to go through this underpass, it looks freshly painted. Back into town where we both bought waterproof coats so a successful morning.
I missed yesterday due to many things. I had just got dressed at 7.30 a.m. when doorbell rang. Window company worker had come to replace the plinth which had dropped off, he grinned and said “you are first today”. We then went supermarket shopping and on return assisted Tedwin to our nearby hairdresser for 2nd cut of the year. Back home filled car with stuff for the tip and went for lunch with my friend. Called at tip on way home and just tossed last bag when it started raining hard, phew, I made it in the dry. I was quite tired in the evening but put it down to shock of getting going early in stead of slowly coming round!

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