
20.4C sunny and warm, with a pleasant breeze.

This morning Maeve the Deerhound wandered out into the back garden and found a sunny spot to lie in. A little later I went out too and planted the remaining Dwarf French Bean plants. Some went in a small veg bed next to our beech hedge. Some went in the circular bed in lawn three where we normally grow sweet peas. We haven't got round to getting sweet peas (shame). Hopefully I can add some bedding plants at some point for extra colour.

After lunch Maeve and I went for a walk. The light breeze was very welcome as it was definitely almost hot. There were people on the beach. Two small children playing in the sand. Two older people sitting on beach chairs (not deck chairs) at the edge of the dunes near the car park. They were reading. If they were together they liked their space. Their chairs were fifty yards apart :-)

There were four boats in the water today. All moored in the channel in the rocks. There were no birds on the posts.

This afternoon I have mowed the front lawn and strimmed the edges. Maeve elected to stay indoors.

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