Choose Joy

By Energia


I couldn’t find my waterproof sock when I was leaving my friend’s house July 6th. I couldn’t find it because I had put a bag on top of it. She mailed it to me. This is a hysterical cultural reference and if you don’t get it, you don’t read the right books or watch the right movies and I can’t save you. 

Speaking of which, what an ending for Happy Valley! 

Insubordination is spreading in Russia’s military. Not only are the troops doing it, the commanders are doing it. Russian bloggers don’t like the dismissal of Commander Colonel General (that is a lot of words) Ivan Popov. Popov broke chain of command and complained to Putin about frontline conditions. He was dismissed. He isn’t the only leader dismissed for speaking up for his troops.

Colonel General Teplinsky resigned over incredibly stupid war tactics that were slaughtering his men. After he resigned he released a video calling on Putin to replace another leader he was using the dump tactics. Teplinsky’s troops said they would leave Kherson if Teplinsky was arrested. That is pretty brave of them. 

One of Ukraine’s upgraded M-55S tanks took a Russian shell to the turret and survived. It had only moderate damage. 

When Russia invaded Ukraine, volunteers took enormous risks to keep treatment going to people with HIV. Alexander Lee, a project manager with a local charity began driving to outlying villages and tracking down vulnerable residents. He saved people’s lives. People like him kept antiretroviral treatment going to people with HIV. Donors moved quickly and provided treatment, but volunteers got it to the people. 

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