
We’re down in Kent and, after a surprisingly quiet and trouble free drive, we are at our favourite Premier Inn in Wrotham, just outside Sevenoaks. We are here for a particular reason, which will be apparent tomorrow, but managed tonight to get over to see family and share pizzas and news.

Maisie and Ella are very keen Netball players. They are members of the local club and have done very well in their individual teams. The teams have won tournaments and recently Ella, in the younger team, was awarded player of the year. It’s not surprising that they have done so well as they apparently spend a lot of time outside practising, as they were here. Then when Alice joins in they play a game they have made up, with rules known only to them.

(I managed to miss the net out in all my photos - Grandad thought it was too high (!) but they assured him that it was at the correct height and they obviously have no problem shooting.)

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