Busy Bee

A day of chores for me.  I should have run, but it was so very windy.  I have been very remiss recently, as life has just been too busy for housework.  Late morning I popped into town for a few things, including three birthday presents,  I was successful with all three.  Hurrah!
I came back to find TT well into cutting our huge hedge.  He took a break for lunch though – and made it too!  He then went back to his hedge and I went back to my chores.  Later BB and I went out for a walk, and came back by the supermarket with stuff or a barbeque – as requested by BB.
When we got back, TT had fired up the BBQ.  Unfortunately the rain came on – and forgot to go off.  He was outside cooking under his umbrella, with beer in hand!
Later there was some TV watching.
Spotted this busy bee earlier today. It was tricky to get a blip as it was just so windy.  The extra shows tonight's rainbow.

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