The Fidge

The Current Mrs Creel departed first thing to go and do some chores at the Hoy bolt hole.  I  remained at HQ and did more work on the roof and gutter.  I then painted some of the inside of the bothy and cut the grass.  Having returned (what a boost) CMC left once more to go and pick up her sister from the airport after her visit to Stonehaven.

Things are not good at all with Davie.  His skeletal structure is collapsing even more (he has bone cancer) and his ribcage and pelvis are not giving support and protection to his organs.  He has been so incredibly taciturn and very brave.  It’s also the first time I’ve seen him in bed and the visit was only ten minutes.  He also mentioned the pain he’s going through.   He can hardly talk, although tried his best and even told me that he thought Ian Carr was very Avant-garde.  With the school holidays being here Davie’s wife is able to be with him.

Dougal is coping manfully.  In fact he indicated that he is using Davie as his role model.  Although Dougal’s mobility, speech, and ability to read and write have become very compromised he’s a real fighter.  It’s possible to discern a slight improvement with him.

I only wish I had a better bedside manner.

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