Ragged round the edges

For some years now I’ve been trying to get pink hollyhocks to seed themselves in my garden, to no avail. I had dozens of bland white ones this year (until they were dug up!), and a lot of pale lemon ones, but not a single pink one … until now. And guess where I found this one? Beside the compost bin down our sideway, where it can’t be seen and which gets very little light because it has the brick wall of our house in front of it and a tall fence behind it! You can be sure I will be harvesting the seeds later on and doing my utmost to grow some seedlings next year, even though I haven’t been successful in the past.

The flowers look a bit tattered, which is how I’m feeling today too. I had a dizzy turn in the garden this morning. I bent over to top up the water in the little stone-filled bee bath on the path by the lavender, and then stood up to pour the rest of the contents of the watering can into the ornamental bird bath nearby. As I did so, I came over feeling very dizzy and had to sit down on the grass, and I continued to feel a bit shaky all day. It happens to me every so often, so it’s nothing new, and hopefully it was just caused by the change in posture. I’m sure I’ll feel fine tomorrow.

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