midwife crisis

By lulubelle

Morning coffee outside in the sunny garden overlooking the beach , listening to the ocean. Bliss.
Swim and sauna late morning and bumped into a midwife I used to work with in Cork years ago ( she left too)!
Liz rustled up a great lunch , rashers, snarlers ( sausages) eggs, cheese and toast . We needed to move after that lot so went for a rock scramble along the coast to Fountainstown. We had to be quite nimble and pay attention as there was a lot of up and down, we managed to navigate the slippy parts very well. Little Basil was amazing considering his eye sight is going - he couldn’t get enough of it , took a ball and kept dropping it into the sea, then couldn’t see it !! Mike had sandals on and could rescue it when required .
Headed home late afternoon as the sun was disappearing and a the rain came in. Deluge driving home, we were in time to catch some of the men’s final at Wimbledon. Phenomenal match.

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