An eventful morning

A bit early for me to be blipping, I usually leave it until evening time in case any great opportunities arise. Anyone that knows my blip journal will know that never actually happens!
It's only 09:30 and back from dropping Hendrix and Buddy at school where we found a small flock of Gulls going beserk and diving down at the children and parents/grandparents/teachers.
I went to see what was up, they don't do that for nothing, and found a young Gull trapped in a wooden picket fence. It couldn't move forward and was too frightened to move backwards because of all of the attention.
I put the bags down and gently got hold of it and freed it from the fence. But then, instead of taking a decent photograph of it, I took Hendrix off to his class.
Coming back that way, with Buddy, I saw it going into the bushes and just managed to capture it's back end.
The headmistress was walking back from the main gate and I told her what had happened, although she knew because of the hand-held radio system they have for security. She said that it happens every year and Steve, the Lollipop man and general helper at the school, usually manages to capture the youngsters and put them back on the roof where the nests are.
Lets hope he manages with this one, otherwise the outlook is bleak for it as it constitutes a danger to the children with Gulls diving down at them trying to protect the youngster. "I've got to look after 'my' children too, that's the problem" she said, which is understandable.

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