
"Wet and Windy Wellington" is currently heading for the scrap heap. Maybe there is a good side to climate change but the climate here has certainly changed as the flags outside TePapa (NZ National Museum) show. The sky seemed to have other ideas but ended up cloudless and blue. 
We had a very interesting U3A (University of the 3rd Age) meeting today with N Z's top Cardiac Stroke specialist  who was now able to statistically report that Smokes and Alcohol (any alcohol) was now bad so The Boss is going to celebrate with a Bacon Sandwich for tea, which luckily didn't get mentioned!   
There was also a report on "Tele Diagnoses" where a specialist is able to accurately diagnose a potential stroke using zoom technology which if done in the first hour can have potentially very good outcomes.  
There are ambulances apparently being fitted for this. 
There is a lot to be said for being an SSD. My stitching is fine thanks.....

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