Birthday boy

It is not just cats that love boxes!  Leo couldn’t resist squishing into the empty box from one of his birthday presents.

We had a fairly relaxed day as we will be up early tomorrow for our Portsmouth road trip.  After opening his pressies we headed out for breakfast.  Well, I had already had mine but mum, dad and Leo enjoyed tucking into a cooked breakfast at Helen’s Diner - a local US diner style cafe.   I was sure I had taken them there before but apparently not.  They all enjoyed it and would be happy for a return visit.

Leo fancied pizza later so he and his girlfriend tucked into some Domino’s pizzas and other goodies.  I really don’t like those pizzas so found that very easy to resist.  

We had an electrician around sorting out our lights in the kitchen and bathrooms which have never been quite right since we moved in.  All were down lights and I don’t think we ever had a full set working. As soon as we changed one another would give up and then another and rooms would get  darker and darker.

I dread to think how many bulbs we got through!  Now, we have had the whole lot changed.  Apparently some wrong bits or other had been used (he did explain but I didn’t really get it!) but now we should be all good!  Let’s see if that is true and we get a long wait before the first one blow.

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