
D woke me up in the wee hours. Our bedroom faces due east and we don't have any curtains. He was looking at a big bright light in the sky; it was Jupiter. No stars were visible in the predawn, and there was no moon, as a new one appears today, so this was the only celestial object to be seen.

Circumstances had altered my plans for today so after we had had coffee outside (dry but breezy), I looked to see if there were any spaces in the aqauaerobics class, and yes, there had been a cancellation, so I snapped it up. There was time for some gardening before that, and while doing some pruning, I discovered this beautiful goldfinch nest and took a quick pic before the mother bird came back. I love the way that goldfinches use soft materials to line their nest. I wonder if any of this is fur from Jess or Otter?

In the afternoon, I had a lot of phone calls to make. I'd been putting them off but time was running out. Three were car- related - insurance, breakdown cover renewal and a service. I started with the easiest call which was to book a local restaurant for Sunday night. Then I phoned the National Trust, who had promised 25% off my membership fee because I was over 60 and had been a member for over 3 years. After 10 minutes waiting to speak to them, the discount was sorted very quickly. The car insurance company had me in a queue for 45 minutes and I had no idea how far up the queue I was, which was very frustrating, but I got there in the end. The breakdown cover company said that they were busy, so I might have to wait 3-5 minutes (!) but they would call me back if I preferred.  After about 2 minutes a very nice young man took my call and we got that done as well. It had taken about an hour and a half to do this admin, none of which was possible online :-(

Once all that was accomplished, I made revithada for tea and picked some apricots without angering the wasps.

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