
By KCNQ2Haiku

Worn Out Doggy

"X-ray, it's healing,
I'm having a bath tonight!
T shirts from now on."
By Ben

Crazy day here, Mr KCNQ2Haiku needing dropping at the station at 4:40am.  Blimey.  We got up at 4am and set off at 4:20am.  Leo thought it was a bit strange but was happy to have a wee and a bark in the garden :-/ Ben was quite excited but I was mainly groggy.  We got back at 5 and Ben opted for his iPad whilst I had another doze but then after breakfast he fell back to sleep whilst I took the dog around the block and sorted all our bags for the day.  Ben had a fracture clinic appointment and I was going to be out for a long time so I had arranged for the lovely neighbours to have Leo for the morning.  He was happy to go over there and there was good news on Ben’s shoulder, we met the Doctor (Professor Peach!) who says it’s 80/90% healed and he can take the sling off! No trampolining for a bit but other than that no restrictions.  Ben was very excited that he's allowed to have a bath rather than a shower and with no sling he can wear a t shirt instead of a shirt - it's the small things we miss!! But seriously, what a result - very clever Ben for healing so fast and keeping the sling on so much! Hospital wasn’t easy though, there was no play therapist and there was some waiting around. Ben was tricky but we got through.  Then he didn’t want to get out of the car at school which was problematic as I knew I was on the clock, I had to be at the respite care home for a viewing at 11am.. but it all worked out, Ben eventually got out of the car with some simple tug of war game and I was just on time :-) I really liked the home, it was spacious, well organised, had good outdoor space and I thought it was interesting that all the staff were engaged and wanted to say hi and find out who I was. The children and young people were all at school so I didn’t see them but I was impressed overall. Diabetes care is still a question mark but they seem willing to learn, so fingers crossed. They’re going to progress to training and coming here to see Ben in September to understand our routines a bit better. It sounds positive (if a bit slow!) I then had a physio appointment, I was supposed to collect the dog from his Across the Road Neighbour Play Date but I realised I was running out of time so I called to ask if they could keep him until 1:15pm and that was fine. When I finally arrived for him he was pleased to see me but he’s super chilled there which is lovely and they love him so much, it’s very sweet.  I had quick sandwich and took him for a walk and joy of joys.. school rang to say they were coming home from Mini Golf and passing nearby so could they drop him off instead of me driving to school?!  Yes Please!  Leo is now flat out on the sofa after his socialising! And I am getting ready for Ben’s bedtime bath routine.  A busy but successful day :-)

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