Salajärvi again

Another lakescape  from our cycling route.

I only cycled 24km today and spent most of the day making the house ready for the dogsitters (my parents). I want them to enter a clean house. I'd hate myself come into a place where I need to start cleaning instantly. And I know my mother. We are very alike in this matter.

While I've been cleaning my husband has been cycling additional 100km and then played football this evening. At least he's not making additional mess, which is very typical to him.

During our cycling route we made two "very significant" sightings.

1) We saw this Mergus serrator family (Red-breasted merganser) riding down the rapid going down the lake Salajärvi. They were fast and there was 4 chicks and parents. First rode the male, then the chicks and then the mum. I managed to catch few photos with my phone, but not good ones.

2) we saw the local millionaire cycling with his dog near his mansion. Naturally we greeted each others. :-)

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