You've Been Framed

Well, the hospital outpatients appointment went OK.  There is a ward at Worcester Hospital specifically for day consultations.  I was given a chair, table, and lunch (tuna sandwich) as there was quite a bit of hanging around waiting for blood test results.  The Heart Failure Nurse who looked after me was very caring and very efficient at her job.  The outcome was I was to stay on the same medication and come back tomorrow when I'd have a pacemaker test and another lot of blood tests.  They now have my full history and are beavering away to make life a bit easier for me (hopefully).

After leaving the hospital we drove over to Worcester Woods for a coffee and a spot of sitting in the sun watching people.

The theme for today's Mono Monday hosted by Nickimags888 is Framed.  This is our favourite frame, the mirror in the downstairs loo, we gave the room a seaside theme when we moved in.
(I'm sorry I'm in the photo again.  At least you can't see my face in this one!).

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