
After the rain this morning, I went into town to buy a small handbag, just for my mobile and cards, tissues and keys. Got want I wanted then called into a carpet chop on the way back to the car, as I want some new flooring for my kitchen. Apparently one has to have plywood as a base for the new  flooring, or it skreaded if it is concrete. Mine is floorboards, but there is a hatch to access the cellar. The only time that was used was when we had to have the new mains cold water pipe fitted from the SWW external meter. I then popped in to another store where I bought two new Penstamens, which are now fed and planted out in my garden, to no doubt be featured on a flower friday ;-)

With today's challenge of framed I had a little play, but have added the  coloured version in extras. The fuschia is one that was here when moved nearly 20 years ago. and seems to thrive on neglect ;-))

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