Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2023 Thursday — The Barn Red House

(I wrote the entire story and before I posted it . . . I headed off to do something else. When I got back here, my words were gone. So, I’ll be back to reconstruct it later.)

(Here’s the later): Our day started with a morning appointment for Mr. Fun at the oral surgeon's office in San Luis Obispo to have his lower left wisdom tooth removed. Several weeks ago he visited his dentist here on the coast and was referred to this oral surgeon. After a quick visit with the oral surgeon a week ago, today was the scheduled procedure. Mr. Fun had been told it would be a simple extraction, not oral surgery.

Is anything ever simple? The wisdom tooth was pulled and a piece of the tooth's root remained. So, much more work was required to get that small piece of root. The ordeal took exceedingly longer than we had anticipated. On our way home we stopped at the Costco pharmacy to get several prescriptions and then headed to the house.

The afternoon was filled with sleep or discomfort when he was awake. Somewhere after 5:00 the oral surgeon phoned to check on his patient and he gave Mr. Fun some advice for reducing the pain. The advice brought significant relief -- just adding Ibuprofen to the regimen of medicine.

About 5:00 I walked up the pathway to the top of our property with our two pups. They love the excursion. The view was beautiful so I captured this photo. I've cropped a couple power poles from each side of the view. The barn red house caught my attention as it usually does.

For some reason I find it delightful that the little house aligns with our little house and is quite noticeable as we look out toward the ocean and all that horizon. The little barn house has a public pathway beside it that leads to the shoreline. We've walked it dozens of times, so we've been up close and personal with that little piece of property. We think that house must be about the same vintage as our little house. We were told several years ago that currently it is used solely for a vacation rental and is owned by a mother-daughter combo. Each of the renters is a returning customer and it is all but impossible for a newbie to rent the little barn red house. The house looks quite small, but it certainly has quite a nice size dirt driveway with ample parking.

In the near future I will walk near the little house with hopes of capturing some photos. Getting more history about it would be interesting as well. I have social media contact with a woman who grew-up in the much larger house next door; possibly she could give me a few details.

This has been our middle of the month Thursday (written twice with a lesson I have learned more than once, post immediately before distractions appear).

From Cayucos on
California's Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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