Kitties and cubby holes...
Been a really good Sunday. The television stayed off all day, a lot got done and I found where the mice had been hiding from Tiger. The top photo is Tiger where one of the bathroom draws should go. Finally got them cleaned out. Cold medicine with a 2012 expiration date anyone?? Being a bit Swedish I made basic butter cookies. Flour, sugar, butter and touch of vanilla. the first batch was slightly underdone but the second turned out well. Oh there is 1 1/4 pounds of butter on that plate. Of course I couldn't have any if I didn't have a good lunch. On the lower left is a broccoli, spinach, avocado and kale soup. Very yummy. The fridge and bathroom got cleaned, laundry done, played / playing with Tiger and..
As for the mice? They had escaped under the entertainment center. All 10 of them. With some strong cardboard and a touch of duct tape, they won't be able to hide there anymore.
Back to work in the morning..
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