By lizzie_birkett


…and honeysuckle, rose and pansies.
This is the only bit of the garden that looks nice just now. The rest is all a mess due to the building work.
It has been mostly dry today but a bit on the cool side.

After Blipping last evening I started to feel cold and shivery again. Later I got really hot and checked my temp. 38.5 again. I also had a bad headache.
That’s the third time over the last week. I have an appointment with the GP tomorrow afternoon. It’s been going on too long. 
The strange thing is the next day I always feel fine.

I did a bit of lino print today but I didn’t get it quite right. The good thing is I learnt what I did wrong - cutting a bit too close to the lines in places.
There will be a lot of wastage with the lino till I get things right but that’s OK, I expected that. It is very relaxing carving away, the only thing is, if I’m sitting down I get a numb bum and also tendonitis round my ‘bum bones’
If I stand up at the kitchen worktop I get backache! Being creative is a health hazard! ;-D)) I suppose I need to get up and walk around a bit but I get so engrossed I forget to.

Hope all you Blippers have had a good weekend.
Goodnight :-) X

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