
To the beach this morning, on what was a pleasant and not too windy morning. It got more blustery as the day went on, and it periodically spat with rain, but no more of the storms that we saw yesterday.

It was a very busy beach indeed this morning. In fact, quite chaotic. There was one group of women who were swimming, plus the Stoltman Brothers plus assorted hangers on, who were mainly hanging out in the shallows (I'm not sure if they actually swim...), being filmed from drones in their budgie smugglers, some paddle boarders, assorted dog walkers and dogs, and a few other randoms. That meant that parking was not easy, and not made any easier by the fact that one of the parking spaces has been occupied by the same motorhome for about a week.

Anyway, regardless of the impediments it was a lovely swim - as ever.

I don't feel I achieved much else today. We bought some supposedly quick drying fixant yesterday from the building supplies shop in Alness, and we brushed some into the gaps in the crazy paving. I am not sure it is going to set. It's basically going to be just very expensive sand, I fear. We shall see. At least the next few days are due to be dry, I hope, so we may have a chance to sort that out.

Other than that....well, not much really. I was tired. I fell asleep on the sofa this afternoon, so maybe I needed a quiet day.

And, of course, this is a "birthday" blip. It's not really 13 years since I started blipping - that was in September 2010, but I inserted a few backblips and these count... Anyway, thanks again to everyone who continues to make this just the nicest corner of the internet. It continues to be a privilege to be amongst you.

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