Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

My Book Club Campers

This is the 21st annual "Book Club Camp" here on the island - hard to believe. We've had as many as 8 ladies. This year there were 6 of us as 2 had to drop out at the last minute. 4 of this group are from the original group. We have a great time eating, hiking, boating, arting, working, AND discussing the book. The book for camp is always one written by an African or African American in memory of one of our dear members who was African American and who totally loved loved coming up here before she died years ago. The book this year was "The Color of Water" by James McBride, a memoir tribute by the author to his white, Jewish mother and his search for his roots. His story and her story. Not as compelling as most of the other ones we have read (last year we read The Warmth of Other Suns which was so much better!) it was another aspect of race relations to consider.

So, here we are, the annual portrait of a group of 70-75 year olds up in the woods to fetch some bucked up logs from a fallen tree to carry down to the wood shed. (My husband H gives them a job every year, plus a bit of broom patrol!) It was extremely windy all night but calmed and warmed up this afternoon so a few could get out on the water in a boat, and a sauna, and another excellent dinner which we could eat outside --maybe summer really is going to arrive.....

Good friends are so special.

But all that talking is tiring ---now I've got to go to bed!:-)

Oh, except first I have to report that the mother Canada goose that we have been checking on several times every day expecting chicks any minute on our beach sitting on her nest on the rock, was gone this morning when we looked!! But there were 3 eggs sitting in the nest. 3 hours later when we checked again, there was no sign of an egg. Did she finally abandon them after all that work? Anyone have a clue? Even tho we don't need more Canada geese, we are sad.

Edit: I now see the one year ago photo is the group from last year!!!

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