Who has seen the wind?

The gusty winds we had yesterday have left a trail of debris on our lawn; there are lots of oak and ash leaves, and quite a few small snapped off sections from one thin oak tree branch which looks to be dead.

The effects of the wind were also evident when we walked across the Green today; lots of unripe conkers lay at our feet, far too early for them to have been the victims of sticks thrown by exuberant children. We passed a council worker cutting the grass on the Green after it had been left for some months to grow tall. There were already lots of families taking advantage of the extra open space thus created, including a family who were flying a kite. The fourth photo is, I think, some ragwort which was growing in abundance near the pond, giving a splash of colour to an otherwise fairly drab scene.

Somewhere high up in the trees beside us as we walked a blackcap was singing in Keatsian ‘full-throated ease’ but, try as I might, I couldn’t find him to take a photograph for my collage. My Merlin app, which I’m loving, also told me there was a wren nearby but, despite creeping into the copse from where the sound emanated, and seeing some perfect wren habitat, she eluded me. I’ll be sure to return another time … 

Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you.
But when the leaves hang trembling,
The wind is passing through.
Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I.
But when the trees bow down their heads,
The wind is passing by.

Christina Rossetti

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