We went to Church this morning and I was pleased to be singing in the Worship Group - however, the first hurdle was that all the songs I had put into my iPad were missing and I couldn’t connect to the Church internet.  I certainly felt the pain in my legs whilst standing, but was determined to stand.  It was a good service with a great sermon from Jide, a Nigerian pastor from Romford Baptist Church, who shared with us about barren-ness and fruitfulness and also shared some of his life story, which was so encouraging - as the children’s song says “Our God is a great big God”!

The last song was a challenge as my legs had become very painful whilst sitting down during the sermon, but again, I was determined to stand and sing the words “When the race is complete, still my lips shall repeat: Yet not I, but through Christ in me!”  I did it with tears in my eyes but I did it!  

The other singer, Jenni, was very kind to me and I was glad of her support.  At the end of the service, when I was feeling quite down, she just put her arm on mine and said “You know, if you need to sit down to sing, there’s nothing wrong with doing that.”  Being quite proud and stubborn, I needed to hear those words, so when I go to the Practice on Wednesday evening, I will sit down and not be so stubborn!

There is another service tonight and I am typing this furiously before I get us something to eat, hence the title, but Mr. HCB made me promise earlier that if we go to this service, then I had to rest this afternoon, so I have spent the afternoon in bed, listening to music.  A good way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon, that’s for sure.

I took this shot of our garden through the conservatory glass, which is quite clean - but it does show some of our lovely flowers, with the Dahlias and Hollyhocks grown by Mr. HCB’s fair hand.

Thank you for your patience with me - life is certainly a challenge at the moment, but I think I am getting there, very slowly!  I love this quote and hope that I have the same attitude as this wonderful woman had:

“My mission in life is not merely 
     to survive, but to thrive; 
          and to do so with 
some passion, 
     some compassion, 
          some humor, 
               and some style.”
Maya Angelou

P.S.  The Silly Saturday Gang were thrilled to hear from such a lot of you - they did leave things tidily but said they enjoyed playing with the various bits and pieces - when they eventually got Froggy out, he said he needed to lose some weight!

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