Lilies in the Mist

A glimpse or two of summer. . . . .

You might have thought it was an August morning. It was misty and damp out, and I grabbed my camera and walked up and down the road, looking for photos. We still have plenty of orange day lilies along all of the roads, and my eye was drawn to them. I just liked the way they looked against the misty trees.

In other news, we've been having rain or even strong thunderstorms about every day or every other day now. Friday afternoon, a big storm caused damage to vendor displays and wares at the State College Arts Fest, and they closed the sidewalk sales down at 5 p.m.

This night was no exception. It poured around 9:30 or 10 p.m., and I went out on the front porch to watch and listen. One thing led to another, and before I knew it, I was dancing naked on the front porch steps in the soft summer rain. Warning: we are prone to nudity here; this is a house where you absolutely MUST call first before stopping by.

My husband supported my efforts by turning on the outside garage light . . . so that *I* could see better, he said. Mm-hmm, that's what he said. And when I was done, he brought me a nice, soft towel. I do love the smell of fresh rain in my hair.  :-)

My soundtrack song is this one: Joshua Kadison, with Painted Desert Serenade.

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