Butterfly hunting ....

There was a field trip arranged by the FB group of the Essex/Cambs butterfly conservation group I'm part of this morning in one of my favourite local stomping grounds, so how could I refuse a wander to join in the fun! And it was my first meet up with other members so a really nice time was had by all! 

There was 15 of us on the walk, headed by the local expert, and it was wonderful to have so many eyes to help pick out different species! The main aim of the walk was to spot the White-Letter Hairstreak butterflies which were very obliging by being nice and low for us to take photos, and we also got to see lots of silver wash fritillary, as well as these lovely little Small Coppers!  I think our total species count was 22 in the end so a great result for a couple of hours wandering - my legs are feeling it now so nothing is getting done this afternoon!

Still blustery but not as crazy as yesterday! And staying nice sunny and dry too so back to plant watering later!

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