What can I see? 2

Another shot of Morecambe sea front.  Looking at the weather it was better than in the Lakes where my Blipper friends have shown me just how high and fast the rivers are flowing, including flooding.
Although I live near the Solway Firth, this is a different seaside to that one.  All the usual entertainment, hotels and crumbling/closed shops. I was one of the teachers accompanying on a school trip to Morecambe , to a dolphinarium, but there has been a deterioration since then and the dolphinarium is no more.  There are tasteful new buildings and when the 'Eden Project' gets going it is hoped Morecambe will attract more visitors.  Much work has been done to the prom area which is very nice and a route for a park run
For my world Blipper friends the original Eden project is in an old China Clay quarry in Cornwall where you can walk inside giant golf ball structures and wonder at what is inside them (plants.)  The Morecambe one should be on the seafront.
Tomorrow was going to be a camera club outing along part of our coast close to Workington.  That has been postponed.  Also the roofers are back with the cladders to finish off.  The weather doesn't look good.

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