I've Got a Picture of You in My Mind

I need to renew my passport.   

Apparently, I need to have six months left on my passport when I go to Qatar, or I can't get back. 

After fulfilling the requirements of the online application I think I'd maybe consider staying there. 

"Too much Shadow".  "You aren't looking at the camera".  (I think if you look through all of these photos, i am most definitely looking at the camera.  

The one I thought would suffice - bottom right was recorded as being "completely unacceptable.   Too much shadow, not looking at camera, headware on??????

I was nearly crying by the time I finished. 

I will look at that photo in the m  iddle and swear i will use a photo booth the next time

I omitted to tell you - this photo was gained by me facing the back window, Si standing behind me holding the curtain above my head 

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