Sweet Peas

They've taken their time this year. I've given them a rather stern effect here but I quite like it. I'm sure I'll blip more in their original hues. 

Sleepover was (eventually) a success. There was a bit of musical beds but the four year old slept reasonably. The eight year old didn't really have enough kip but is full of beans this morning. 

So far we have had a parade in the garden. I hope the neighbours weren't watching as I was dressed as a clown. Cameraman was a monarch and the girls cats. Flora had been given a makeover (hair clips and so on) and was a dog. Each of us had appropriate music to match our characters. 

We've been along to another neighbour's house. I'm on garden duty there. The girls picked raspberries, blackcurrants and courgette. They're going to make lunch for us. 

Before that they're helping to clip Flora then bath her. That's going to be fun. 

Once the girls go home I'll try to look at some blips. I'm just not finding the time these days. 

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