This morning, it was all go,go, go.
First thing our 5K Park walk/run. I set off half an hour early and managed to beat The Rev over the finish line who ran it!
# a smile/grimace after the run.
My best time ever … 54 minutes!! Didn’t have my walking buddy so less talking and more speed :)))) but I did miss her.
We stopped for breakfast at the park…what a great trade they do after the 5K.
Then home for a massive cleanup and cookup before guests arrive and time to chill.
In the afternoon we celebrated Anna’s birthday (a week late, but here birthdays can last for ever!!). Nearly a full house…Mum, Dan, both boys and Anna (only J’s girlfriend missing…due to do a night shift)
O told us that Anna is moving in with him..a big step…it’s still a fairly new relationship and we don’t know her that well but I hope it works out for them. She has managed to get a job locally so lots of changes ahead. That’s both boys “hooked up”!!!

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