
By KCNQ2Haiku

Ben's Fun Day Out

Making the most of 
Ben's PA hours!  Dog walk and
lunch for remainders!

Another PA day for Ben, he has had another lovely day, they went to another National Trust place and explored.  I'm amazed by how much he'll do with them, I feel like he would have whinged about coming home MUCH quicker if he was out with me! Anyway, they fetched him at 9:30 and then I gently got ready and took Leo for a walk.  He had fun because he met Biscuit, the dog he bonded with at puppy training!  They immediately raced around in circles and tumbled in a ball.  I think that is "dog" for "How nice to see you again, how've you been, how's the family??"  When I got home we walked into town to have a little mooch and some lunch.  Jolly nice.  On the way home the heavens opened and we all got very soggy.  But it was still all worth it!  At home I just had time to take Leo around the block again.  He was a bit cheeky, he was off lead on the grass and he saw another dog on the opposite pavement and just ran across the road :-/  I was not impressed.  Ben arrived home around 3:45pm with tales of his escapades, we have made tea and he's watched some TV, he's definitely a Tired-y Custard*  In fairness, we're all a bit tired!  I have done 16,000 steps today! Extra is one of Ben from his phone on his trip out :-D

*aren't family phrases weird?!

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