
A bright and breezy morning followed by a wet afternoon.

Apologies for a lack of blips over the past week; we had a few issues!  Last Thursday Eleanor caught norovirus and could not retain any fluids. After 2 days of bringing back all her milk we were concerned that she might be dehydrating so rang 111 and they advised us to take her straight to Kendal Hospital.  She was checked over and we were advised that if there was no improvement in 24 hours we must take her to Barrow Hospital.  24 hours later and Eleanor's Mum and Dad and my wife have also gone down with norovirus.  Then on Saturday evening Eleanor's Dad collapsed and I had to call for the ambulance.  The medics took him to Barrow and recommended that I ought to take Eleanor too as she was no better.  I was at Barrow until gone 3 am by which time her Dad had been discharged and Eleanor had been checked over again.  I was able to drive them both back to Grange by about 03:45.  Next day the three adults were weak and tired but substantially better but Eleanor continued to struggle to hold any fluids.  We didn't think Eleanor or her Dad were fit enough to return to their home 300 miles away on Tuesday as planned so they stayed on and finally returned home safely on Thursday by which time Eleanor was looking a lot better and holding on to reduced portions of milk.  You will understand that photography has not been my priority over the past week!

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