Hawking around

The weather today is very mixed so this morning not a lot done apart from a trip to the local butchers and then a morning lazing around .
Just before lunch we had a massive thunderstorm so was pleased I was indoors unlike Julie who had gone to town. A snack for lunch  and then the sun was out so I ventured out to find a blip . With the changing weather I decided to go for a quick walk in the local park. Nice in the sun but very windy .
I was rewarded with a surprise find about 20 Dragonflies had decided to take to the wing in the fresh sunshine conditions. I have gone with this Brown Hawker that was enjoying a rest and soaking up the sunshine there was also a few southern Darters  see extra .

Back home now and watching some Cricket on TV . . Later on we are heading into town for some food and a few drinks for Julie's birthday which is tomorrow and then  we will drop in on the local for some live music 

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