The Soil

My old university friend Pinkie Maclure has a show at the CCA in Glasgow and i popped in this afternoon to see it.   She works in stained glass and this new piece is called The Soil and celebrates the regeneration of the compost heap.  It’s a serious piece but full of rich, earthy imagery and beautiful detail.  I love the rotting spotted banana in the lower right corner.  I was pleased that there were a lot of her older works there as well as I have long wanted to see them.   

Other than that I went into the production office, did some calls, visited the set where we were playing with fire and then came back into the centre of Glasgow where I went to the exhibition and then did some present shopping for tomorrow.   

Was meant to have dinner with Jonathan and his partner but she was caught in the same horrendous traffic jam that V was in on his way to see @xtoph1 in Edinburgh.  So I grabbed something when out shopping and then came back through the pouring rain for a quiet time watching telly and wrapping the presents.  

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