
Today it rained
and rained
and rained... 

I blame my friend who I had coffee with yesterday as she said what we needed was long and sustained rain to soak the lower ground as he allotment was dry just a few inches down.. well I reckon it will now be wet through. Still the good thing about it raining was that Jasper didn't catch any mice.. she did spend a good part of the morning outside and periodically came in to get dry before going out again.. but then  gave up around lunchtime and curled up on a chair to snooze the day away.  When she woke she came to ask for a cuddle or a play and this box seemed like the best fun.. 
guests arrived later than expected due to bad road conditions and an accident which held one of them up for an hour.. but they arrived in time for dinner and we had a very jolly evening together.  Tomorrow they leave early to go to the airshow where they will get breakfast and we are meeting them at a pub on their way back as they are going to treat us to a night out. 

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