A Day in York

Our family visitors from Toronto are due to fly back home on Tuesday from Edinburgh, but first they wanted to visit some UK friends. They arranged to meet some London-based friends in York over the weekend before moving on to Edinburgh to see friends there. It's a while since we went to York so we arranged to go there with them for the day to help with carrying their luggage on the train - although they'll have to manage on their own on Monday when they take the train from York to Edinburgh.

The weather forecast wasn't good and it certainly poured with rain this afternoon but we still had a good time - some of which we spent in the National Railway Museum. The massive engine in the main blip is KF7, one of the largest ever built in Britain and one of 24 KF engines built between 1935 and 1936: it was built for a line in China. The designer was Sir Kenneth Cantlie who was godson of Dr Sun Yat Sen - first president of the Chinese Republic. The locomotive was used until 1977.

The extra is a photo along "The Shambles", a famous narrow street in York - showing what the weather was like!

In the early evening we said our farewells to the Toronto family and took a train home - it was particularly hard to drag ourselves away from Grandson Paddy's lovely smiles. We're hoping to visit them again in Toronto in the autumn; meanwhile we still have Son#2 and his partner with us until Monday.

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