Hover Fly

Back to work for me today.  It was a really lovely morning and being school holidays it was very quiet when I was out for my pre-work walk.  I reluctantly set up my laptop and logged on.  My morning was pretty much catch up calls while I tried to get my IT working.  Apparently there was an IT update when I was off, and then another one this morning.  It took a few re-starts to eventually get things going.  A very annoying start to the day.
I made sure of a lunchtime walk.  As I was on my way home there were some big spots of rain, but they didn’t come to anything.  I had a few meetings this afternoon, and eventually made a start at wading through my in box and all of last week’s emails.
Meanwhile BB didn’t seem to do very much today, not even answer the door when the postman was waiting to deliver something that was for him!
His football training started back tonight.  It seems like the break from BB’s  sport gets shorter every year.  Just after I dropped him off, it started to rain.  He came home soaked.
After tea, I popped out for some steps.  The rain had just about gone off, so I didn’t really get too wet.
I spotted this hoverfly at lunchtime.  The extra is a poppy that  continues to bloom in our garden.

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