
Little Man and I went out today, as per normal. Hubby came off night shifts last night (which he occasionally has to do), and he hasn't totally recovered from them. So I took Little Man out to give Hubby the chance to rest. We had a lot of fun, despite the rain. It rained almost consistently throughout the day, though the heavier rain only fell in brief stints. Little Man was fine as his pushchair had a rain cover over it, which he decided he didn't like and kept sticking his feet through the sides or pulling the velcro apart so the cover would come loose. I don't have a decent rain proof jacket, so I got wet. Thankfully, between the light showers and the coat's layers, I didn't get too wet. I've discovered that some types of hats work wonders keeping the rain off my face and glasses. I have 2 bucket hats and they worked amazingly, though are now hanging up to dry as they took quite the battering. The first extra picture is of them hanging in the bathroom to dry. The blue one (on the left) is soaked through but the pink tie die one is considerably dryer.

On our way home we stopped by this field with cows and I thought it would be fun to take a closer look. We stayed on our side of the fence and they came right over to see us. One of them gave me a sniff and a lick (see the second extra picture). They both found Little Man's push chair quite interesting. He wasn't sure what to make of them.

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