Kereru on a high wire

If I thought that chaos had been yesterday, that's mainly because today was still to come. Everything worked well this morning, as I paid some bills and read some emails. Using the big screen which is connected to my MacBook.

We than had a lovely visit From S' two brothers and their wife/partner. They came to share with us a midday dinner prepared by S. A great meal and everyone was well sated at the end. Lots of good talk.

After the others left just before darkness started to fall, I started the cleanup. Interrupted for a snack, and small glass of wine to end the day. I had managed to find time for a mid-morning walk (my calf muscle is still preventing me from running), and on that had seen a Kereru (wood pigeon) on a power line. Pleased with this. So came upstairs to post my blip.

And completely unable to find the way to open my photos. Even the photos app wasn't responding. The instructions (if one could really call the messages that) were unhelpful to put it mildly. Of course this all reinforces why I loathe and detest the updates and changes that get made. All that seems to happen is that I lose stuff. Perhaps because I have adapted programmes to my needs/wants.

I finally managed to access Photos, and download from the SD card today's photos, do a little work on the photo, and am now posting it. I'll obviously need more help and a large notebook to write down what I have to do.

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