
Up and at it with an early morning run.

The sun was out and by nine thirty everywhere was bright and teaming with sunlight.

At that time on a Sunday only a few people are out and about , the odd cyclist , a few runners and a couple of people just drinking in the views as they relaxed on benches. With everyone smiling it was if we all knew the unsaid secret " We know, yes we know the treasures of an early morning start. These views "


Cut down off the canal onto the river bank and caught some local rowing teams at the boathouse so I played the little game of running against them. Worked well with the veteran team , not so well with the user twenties !!! Can't blame a girl for looking sweaty and undignified trying .

The rest of the day has been perfect. Chilling, gardening and watching Jonny Brownlee completely smash it in WTS in Madrid. One day he may even be able to keep up with me along the river....

Very worried that he is almost , almost overtaking Dave Grohl as my hero .

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