One Shot Wonder

Out walking Meg in the field below the woods beyond Llanegryn, despite the stiff breeze there were some butterflies to be seen.  Quite a few Small Skippers and although this one was not active as it became overcast and a little cooler, it was a minor miracle that one of the two shots I got was this sharp.  I also saw the expected Meadow Browns and a couple of Small Coppers, continuing yesterday's high butterfly count.  Very wet weather the next couple of days will do them no favours.  While I was wandering the paths I called up C who has been down in Saafend, back with her family and making a new home for a month now.  It was good to chat and share news, I sat for a while too on the bench up the hill where we shared this view earlier in the year.

Elsewise, a day at home until an evening shift at Wharf Cafe, a regular local group event.  Quite a few ticks on the to do list although I might have favoured the little jobs!   Still all things needing doing.  A run of wet days and work days coming up now, hoping for some better weather again next week when I might have a companion on a dog walk or two.  Perhaps we'll walk up Craig Yr Aderyn which features in the link above :-)

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