A word - almost extinct…

…unless you happen to be a Sausage, An American, with at least two Cumberland Counties and a Cumberland city, or an Aussie?

"Ah's NUT gahn t'budge."  
I was born a Cumbrian, in Cumberland and, except for 18 months or so lived in Cumberland until it was declared extinct by devouring Westmorland, the Furness District of Lancashire and a tiny bite out of West Yorkshire.  
    Having now, apparently, waxed imponderably large(?) it is to be smitten asunder.  A sort-of half-sized item, similar in shape to its former self, slimmed down, Cumberland in which Bro. Jerra finds himself.  
Which now, apparently, sends a raiding party deep into the enemy territory now known as Westmorland and Furness, incidentally making me NOW a Westmerian? 
FAT CHANCE!!!!!!!!!!  In a more comical light we may now be seeing Envelopes addresses to:-
Mr & Mrs Name,
No. Thing Street,
Westmorland and Furness.

Another Comical thought - WILL half the Counties Sausages NOW lose their GI Status &/or have to be re-named Westmorland and Furness Sausages; or "NotCumberland Sausages"?

"Traditional Cumberland sausages win protected status in Europe.

Only Cumberland sausages made in Cumbria to specific standards can be called 'traditional' in future, Food Minister Jim Paice announced today.
From: Department for Environment,Food & Rural Affairs 
Published18 March 2011"

(: ¬ o)

At least the kept/resurrected (?) the Grass of Parnassus Logo.

Scroll down here a bit and you can see how far out-of-area that van is (Past red line and into "our territory" into Penrith.

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